Duplicate Aware Networked Stack (DANS)
A c++ library which enables the integration of Duplicate Awareness into any resource that might become a bottleneck. A simple file client has been implemented which can be used to benchmark the capabilities of DANS. This Client duplicates application requests and enforces Priority and Purging through the completion cycle.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- C++14
- Currently DANS requires the linux OS. It has been tested on Ubuntu 17.10 Codename: artful. The main dependency on linux is epoll which is implemented in the LinuxCommunicationHandler. To remove this dependency, create a new implementation which inherits from CommunicationHandlerInterface.
gflags for command line flag integration. NOTE that there will likely be less integration issues if you install gflags BEFORE glog. For Ubuntu Use
sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev
. -
glog for application level logging.
- NOTE: Install gflags first.
- For ubuntu install:
sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev
- Intro to glog
gtest used for all testing and even to run simple client. For Ubuntu use
sudo apt-get install googletest
. -
RANS server with DANS-Purge branch installed and at least two files created for retrieval. See the RANS server repo for setup and function. Ensure that the server is installed by running
in the server directory.
- Install all Prerequisites.
- Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.cs.tufts.edu/peter/DANS.git
- Edit the following to capture the installed headers and source files.
- gflags.BUILD
- glog.BUILD
- gtest.BUILD - NOTE that gtest is compiled with every binary and therefore cannot just link a shared library.
- Build all targets. NOTE that the first time might take a while.
$ cd DANS
$ bazel build ...
Going Further
Beyond installing DANS and running a simple client, see documentation for Architecture and also Simple Client for a description about how a simple DANS client works.
Running the tests
Every folder is a package. Every package has a BUILD file which lists all targets. Any target of type cc_test is a test and may be run either in batch or alone. Below is a test target example:
name = "job_test",
size = "small",
srcs = [ "job_test.cc" ],
deps = [
Tests can be run without special flags by running bazel test path/to/package:target
. So to run the job_test target in the common/dstage package you might run:
bazel test common/dstage:job_test
Logs are saved to "/tmp/...log...
To run a test with custom command line arguments first build the target with
bazel build path/to/package:target
./bazel-bin/path/to/package/target --your_foo_flag=true
For quick testing it is convenient to use these flags at a minimum.
- --logtostderr=true Route logs to stderr.
- --colorlogtostderr=true Show logs with severity schemed coloring.
- --v=0 Log verbosity level where 0 is no verbost logs and 4 is essentially trace. This can also be controlled for every module when needed.
Break down into end to end tests
Package: common/thread Test: thread_utility_test - Tests the ability to change the priority of a thread.
bazel test common/thread:thread_utility_test
Package: common/dstage
Test: linux_communication_handler_test.cc - Completes a full GET request from http://google.com using an event driven reactor design leveraging linux's epoll. Note that you must have Internet connectivity to PASS this test.
bazel test common/dstage:linux_communication_handler_test
Test: job_test.cc - Simply tests the creation semantics of creating Jobs used for the dstage library.
bazel test common/dstage:job_test
Test: dispatcher_test.cc - Tests the use of the dispatcher class by creating several jobs and sending them to a dispatcher which duplicates them and passes them on.
bazel test common/dstage:dispatcher_test
Test: multiqueue_test.cc - Tests the functionality of a MultiQueue by adding jobs of several priorities, Purging a job that would be in the middle of several queues and then dequeuing the remaining jobs and ensuring that they are in order.
bazel test common/dstage:multiqueue_test
Test: scheduler_test.cc - Test the ability to create a generic scheduler with multiple threads.
bazel test common/dstage:scheduler_test
Test: dstage_test.cc - Test a single dstage which consists of a Dispatcher, MultiQueue and a Scheduler by submitting several empty jobs.
bazel test common/dstage:dstage_test
Test: file_client_dstage_chain_test.cc - Creates an entire dstage chain which constitutes a Connection, Request and Response Dstage. Then a job is created which represents a file request. This is sent to the the Connection Dstage along with a callback which will be called when the file has been retrieved. This test assumes and requires for the RANS Server to be running. If it is not running, the test will fail. Although file_client_dstage_chain_test only retrieves one file, you may increase the number of files retrieved by changing the kGetRequestsTotal. Additionally, kThreadsPerPrio can be changed which dictates the number of threads that each scheduler will use for each priority. So a single Dstage which uses two priority levels which has kThreadsPerPrio = 1 would use 2 total threads while if kThreadsPerPrio = 2, it would use 4 total threads.
bazel test common/dstage:file_client_dstage_chain_test
There are several flags which are helpful for this test however:
- --set_thread_priority=true Change the priority of low priority threads to be less than that of high priority threads. If this flag is used,
must also be used. - --save_files=true will save every retrieved file as "Tx" where "x" is the file number. This will dramatically slow the test and could lead to memory issues if kGetRequestsTotal is set too high.
- --server_ip sets the ip of the server and is needed if the ip is not
bazel build common/dstage:file_client_dstage_chain_test
sudo ./bazel-bin/common/dstage/file_client_dstage_chain_test --colorlogtostderr=true --logtostderr=true --v=0 --set_thread_priority=true --save_files=false --server_ip=
And coding style tests
Formats all *.cc, *.h and *.hh files to Google's C++ coding style.
make format
Large scale deployment, including use in emulab is not covered here at this time.
Built With
- Bazel - Dependency Management
Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Peter Vondras - Initial work - DANS
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Special thanks to Fahad Dogar and Haffiz Mohsin Bashir.
- ReadMe template was taken from here: https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth/109311bb0361f32d87a2